Hello Textverified users! We’ve recently launched some exciting new updates and wanted to tell you about them:

Textverified Search Bar – We’ve made some improvements to our search bar on the “Text & SMS” Verifications page. Now if you’re looking for a specific service, you can find it directly by using our “Short-term / temporary numbers” search bar. (Please note that you are no longer able to search the full verifications page via “ctrl + f”)

Our new and improved search bar with advanced filtering options

Connected” Status Bar – You may have noticed a new status bar on the upper-right side of our site. This status bar will read “connected” and display a flashing green dot when your account is active and able to purchase verification services. If you are experiencing any errors using our site, check to be sure that you’re “connected” first. If you’re not connected, reload the page, or try logging out of your account and re-connecting.

Always check your connection status before making a purchase

Desktop Browsers – Textverified works best on the latest versions of all desktop web browsers. If you are using an outdated web browser, you may not be able to access your account or make purchases properly.

Here are some links with information on how to access the most current versions of several popular desktop web browsers:

If you’re unable to see our list of verification services or your credit balance, please update your browser.

As always, please reach out to our Support Team if you have any questions or concerns. Happy verifying!