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New Lower Prices!

Hey Textverified and Phoneblur users, have you seen our new lower prices lately? We’ve cut prices by up to 40% on over 200 of our most popular services. We know you have lots of options for your verifying needs, but we’d like you to stick around with us. With our new lower prices, you won’t have to choose between exceptional service and low-cost rentals. We still offer the same great service you’re used to, but with extremely competitive prices....

1 min · textverified

Flexible Purchases - A New Way to Verify

Have you noticed that we’ve been making some changes lately here at Textverified? Today we wanted to let you know that we’re switching up our credits system to look more like dollars. Soon we’ll be taking the next logical step and simply calling your Textverified balance dollars. This shift will make it easy to keep track of your balance. We’re also working on a flexible pricing plan to ensure you can buy exactly as much or as little as you need....

1 min · textverified