
Textverified: Features Page cover image

Textverified: Features Page

More big news for our Textverified users: we now have a concise, easy-to-read Features page up on our site! If you’re new to Textverified, check it out for a good overview of how to get started. You’ll see information about temporary number rentals, all our additional features, and our app. Even if you’ve been with us for awhile, you can learn about some of our more advanced features, like sub-account delegations or Resurrect....

1 min · textverified

Now Accepting All Major Credit Cards

Good news for Textverified users! We’ve recently integrated credit card payments from all major credit card providers. When you add more credits to your account, you should now see a new option in our dropdown menu for “Credit Card (USD).” If transaction speed if a big concern, we’re also excited to tell you that paying by credit card will usually process faster than Amazon Pay. We hope to expand this new payment option to Phoneblur next month....

1 min · textverified
New Feature: Account Delegations cover image
New Feature

New Feature: Account Delegations

Recently we received a great question from one of our users: can one “Parent” user account be used to manage multiple sub-accounts? “Well, no,” we replied, “But why not?” Our users know that when they send us good suggestions for improving Textverified, we’ll do everything we can to implement them! We are pleased to announce that we now offer account delegations as a new feature. If you’re an employer running a big company, you probably want to make a single large purchase on Textverified....

2 min · textverified
Introducing Amazon Pay for Phoneblur cover image

Introducing Amazon Pay for Phoneblur

You asked, we delivered: introducing Amazon Pay for Phoneblur! We are now accepting Amazon Pay payments for purchases of $20 or less. Just click the “Top Off” button on our home page. Click through to confirm your Shopping Cart. Next you’ll see a page that looks like this: Select your payment method. You can choose from Amazon Pay, Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Litecoin. Next, you can review your order: Click “Checkout” – if you’re using Amazon Pay, you’ll see this reminder notice:...

1 min · textverified
Updates for Textverified cover image

Updates for Textverified

Hello Textverified users! We’ve recently launched some exciting new updates and wanted to tell you about them: Textverified Search Bar – We’ve made some improvements to our search bar on the “Text & SMS” Verifications page. Now if you’re looking for a specific service, you can find it directly by using our “Short-term / temporary numbers” search bar. (Please note that you are no longer able to search the full verifications page via “ctrl + f”)...

2 min · textverified

System Upgrade

Please bear with us as we roll out a new enhancement to improve out site stability and speed today. And as always please send us a message if you notice any problems with your verifications and we’ll do our best to fix it quickly.

1 min · textverified
New Feature: Resurrect cover image

New Feature: Resurrect

Today we’re excited to announce a new text verification feature: Resurrect. Over the last few months, we’ve heard from many users who wanted an option to reuse old verification phone numbers. Now you can with Resurrect. Before Resurrect, users could reuse phone numbers for about two minutes immediately after the initial activation. But if you needed to reverify a few hours later, you’d be stuck. With Resurrect, you now have the option to resurrect a phone number as long as it is still available within our database....

2 min · textverified
New Payment Option: Amazon Pay cover image

New Payment Option: Amazon Pay

Lately we’ve received some feedback from our users asking for a credit card payment option. We hear you and we agree – so today we’re introducing Amazon Pay for Textverified. We’ll also be adding Amazon Pay to PhoneBlur soon. Amazon Pay is a great option for small bundle purchases if you don’t use crypto currency – but since we’ll be processing payments through third party credit card companies, we do need to add a small percentage surcharge to any Amazon Pay purchases....

1 min · textverified

Flexible Purchases - A New Way to Verify

Have you noticed that we’ve been making some changes lately here at Textverified? Today we wanted to let you know that we’re switching up our credits system to look more like dollars. Soon we’ll be taking the next logical step and simply calling your Textverified balance dollars. This shift will make it easy to keep track of your balance. We’re also working on a flexible pricing plan to ensure you can buy exactly as much or as little as you need....

1 min · textverified
From Textverified to Phoneblur: Phone Number Rentals are Moving! cover image

From Textverified to Phoneblur: Phone Number Rentals are Moving!

Exciting news here at Textverified: phone number rentals are moving to our new service, Phoneblur. We have been hard at work bringing you a great new way to rent numbers – and we even have an Android app! We know you love Textverified, and we’re hoping you’ll love Phoneblur too. If you’re already familiar with renting phone numbers via Textverified, then you won’t notice too many changes over at Phoneblur....

2 min · textverified