

Update: More Numbers, Better Service

Hey Textverified and Phoneblur users, a great new update is coming your way: we’ve been working hard to increase our supply of available phone number rental lines. Starting with temporary single service, you’ll soon see greater availability for rental numbers. Permanent multi-purpose lines will be up next, followed by permanent single service. Now you’ll be able to buy larger quantities of number rentals from our rapidly-growing supply. We’ll be restocking popular numbers more frequently, and a bigger supply also means that maximum purchase allowances will increase....

1 min · textverified
New Payment Options for Textverified: Alipay cover image

New Payment Options for Textverified: Alipay

Looking to purchase more credits for your Textverified account? We’ve recently added Alipay as a new payment option. To use Alipay, log-in to your Textverified account and select the “Credit Card (USD)” payment option. Click “Continue”. On the next page, you’ll see an option at the bottom to select Alipay. Once you’ve topped up your Textverified credits, remember that you can always transfer them to a linked Phoneblur account using our new Balance Transfer feature....

1 min · textverified
New Feature: Balance Transfers cover image
New Feature

New Feature: Balance Transfers

Yesterday we explained how to link a Phoneblur account to a Textverified account and vice-versa. Today we’re going to show you how to do a balance transfer of credits between two linked accounts. Here’s a Phoneblur account with $25.01 in credit. Let’s transfer $10 to a linked Textverified account. Step 1: Under the “Platform-Link” button, click “Balance Transfers” Step 2: Enter the amount of credits you would like to transfer...

1 min · textverified
Site Update: Connect Your TV and PB Accounts cover image
New Feature

Site Update: Connect Your TV and PB Accounts

We know you love us so much that you probably have a Textverified account and a Phoneblur account. Now the update you’ve been waiting for is finally here: starting today, you can link your Textverified account and your Phoneblur account! How to Link Accounts: Step 1: Log-in to both your Phoneblur account and your Textverified account. We’ll use a Phoneblur account for this tutorial, but the process is the same from either account....

2 min · textverified
New Feature

New Textverified Feature: Simultaneous Pending Verifications

Ever wished you could start a new Textverified verification while your current one is “pending”? When you initiate a new verification, you receive a certain amount of time to access your verification code. Sometimes you may want to start a second verification, but you’re stuck waiting for the timer to run down on your first verification. Now you can have two “pending” verifications active at the same time! If you purchase $50 in credit via Textverified, this option will be available to you immediately – you can do this in a single transaction, or multiple smaller transactions that add up to $50....

1 min · textverified
Phoneblur: Changes to Message Handling cover image

Phoneblur: Changes to Message Handling

We are rolling out new changes to how you can view and receive your messages for lines you have rented on Phoneblur. In addition to the view of all your messages, you can also view just your messages for a specific subscription or the messages for a specific line in one of your subscriptions. This enables you to just see the messages you currently care about. Viewing Your Messages The easiest way to view all the messages all your lines have received is to click “Messages” in the top bar:...

2 min · textverified
New Lower Prices! cover image

New Lower Prices!

Hey Textverified and Phoneblur users, have you seen our new lower prices lately? We’ve cut prices by up to 40% on over 200 of our most popular services. We know you have lots of options for your verifying needs, but we’d like you to stick around with us. With our new lower prices, you won’t have to choose between exceptional service and low-cost rentals. We still offer the same great service you’re used to, but with extremely competitive prices....

1 min · textverified
Phoneblur Feature: Requesting A Service cover image
New Feature

Phoneblur Feature: Requesting A Service

Did you know you can make requests for popular services? We now offer this feature for both temporary and permanent rentals. Sometimes you might require a specific service that is currently unavailable on our sites. This service will show up under our service listings, but when you click “Add,” you will be taken to a provisioning request page. On the provisioning request page, you will be able to request the service and pay for it: we’ll either get the service up and running in three days or we’ll refund your money....

1 min · textverified
Phoneblur: Multiple Permanent Subscriptions cover image

Phoneblur: Multiple Permanent Subscriptions

Did you know that you can hold multiple permanent subscriptions under a single Phoneblur account? When you purchase a new permanent rental service or whole line, you can choose whether you want to add it to your Primary subscription or if you’d like to create a new subscription. Here’s a screenshot of an account with a single permanent subscription for Coinbase: Now we’re going to add a second permanent subscription to Instagram:...

2 min · textverified

Phoneblur: Features Page

Hey Phoneblur users, you know we’d never forget about you! Here’s the comprehensive Features page you’ve been waiting for. We’ve got information on all of our Subscription Plans, a ton of Add-On Features, and our Android App. Drop us a line if you think we’ve missed something and we’ll add it in. Happy verifiying!

1 min · textverified