Exciting news here at Textverified: phone number rentals are moving to our new service, Phoneblur. We have been hard at work bringing you a great new way to rent numbers – and we even have an Android app!

We know you love Textverified, and we’re hoping you’ll love Phoneblur too. If you’re already familiar with renting phone numbers via Textverified, then you won’t notice too many changes over at Phoneblur.

Current phone number rental subscriptions at textverified will remain active, but once they expire, you won’t be able to access them again. But in case you’re wondering, you’ll still be able to find all your SMS verification services at Textverified.

We are encouraging all our Textverified users to create accounts over at Phoneblur. If you’ve come to rely on our exceptional phone number rental service, you know we can really deliver. We want this transition to be as seamless as possible, so let us know if you have any questions.

Before we let you go, we just want to share some details about how temporary rentals work. At Phoneblur, you can now get number rentals in weekly increments!

Starting at only $5/week – and with no activation fee – our weekly rentals are designed for users who need phone numbers for a bit longer than an instant verification, but not quite as long as multiple months. Now Phoneblur can serve all your number rental needs, whether you need just a weekly rental or a long-duration rental.

(Phoneblur API coming soon)